

DSC研究推進トーク 202107

7月のDSCトークはデータ駆動型生物学研究室の小鍛治 俊哉先生に研究を紹介していただきました。


Assistant Prof. Toshiya Kokaji (Data-driven Biology)

TITLE: Multiomic analysis with the information of molecular interaction

Recent developments in large-scale measurement techniques for various types of molecules in biology (omic analysis) enabled us to simultaneously measure multiple types of molecules in a sample (multiomic analysis). This revealed that a much larger number of molecules than expected are involved in the regulation of cellular functions. Of the causal relationships between the involved molecules, only a few are included in a pathway database, which is a collection of findings from molecular biological experiments. Therefore, most of the roles of the involved molecules in the cellular function remain unknown. In this presentation, I will first explain omic analysis for the measurement of various types of molecular interactions as well as the abundance of molecules. Then, I will introduce some attempts to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of cellular functions involving many molecules by constructing a large-scale network using the omic technologies.