

DSC研究推進トーク 202106

6月のDSCトークは数理情報学研究室の福嶋 誠先生に研究を紹介していただきました。


Assistant Prof. Makoto Fukushima (Mathematical Informatics)

TITLE: Network analysis of human brain connectivity

With the recent advancement of non-invasive brain measurement techniques, we can map anatomical connections between brain regions (structural brain connectivity) and temporal correlations of brain activities (functional brain connectivity) across the whole brain in humans. The resulting data can be viewed as a network with brain regions as nodes and structural or functional brain connections as edges. The methodologies commonly used in network science have been successfully applied to these structural and functional brain connectivity data to characterize their network properties. In this presentation, I will introduce several network measures used to discover and quantify notable network properties of structural and functional brain connectivity, such as modules, hubs, and rich-club organization. Followed by this introductory part, I will also briefly introduce my recent works in brain network analysis.