DSC研究推進トーク 202311
11月の学内共同研究促進トークは、計測インフォマティクス研究室の冨谷 茂隆先生にご講演いただきました。
冨谷 茂隆 教授(計測インフォマティクス研究室)
STEM-3DAP Correlative Analysis of Gallium Nitride Semiconductor Material
~Towards nanoscale 3D multimodal metrology techniques~
To conduct research and develop evolving materials and devices efficiently, it is essential to fully utilize and exploit measurement technology (material analysis technology) more than ever. For this purpose, it is important to integrate multiple methods organically. We will present a case study of a Gallium Nitride semiconductor that combines typical nano-analysis techniques, scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), and a 3D atom probe. Furthermore, based on this case, future efforts to construct a 3D multi-modal analysis method will be discussed.