8th Autumn School of Chemoinformatics in Nara
2年に一度開催していますAutumn School on Chemoinformaticsは今回で8回目となります。この国際シンポジウムは、ストラスブール大学で開催されるSummer School on Chemoinformaticsと対をなすものとして毎年交互に開催されており、データ駆動型化学分野の最先端の取り組みを発信してきました。今回も国内外の著名なデータ駆動型化学研究者の招待講演のほかに、一般口頭発表、ポスター発表を募集して開催します。もはや化学研究においてデータ駆動の取り組みは当たり前となってきました。この国際シンポジウムが皆様の今後の研究・開発の取り組みの一助となれば幸いです。
一般参加者 8,000円 (学生 4,000円)
2023年11月29日 (水)18:00~
国立博物館地下レストラン 葉風泰夢(アクセス)
懇親会参加費 10,000円(学生5,000円)
お申し込みフォーム ※参加申込を締め切りました
その際に発表題目(英)、発表概要 (英)200ワードを申込フォームより提出をお願いします。
奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 データ駆動型サイエンス創造センター
OpenEye, Cadence Molecular Sciences
Prof. Jürgen Bajorath(Bonn University)
Dr. Sharon Bryant(Inte:Ligand)
Prof. Johann Gasteiger(Erlangen-Nuernberg University)
Prof. Kenji Hori(TS Technology)
Prof. Satoshi Maeda(Hokkaido University)
Prof. Thierry Langer(Vienna University)
Prof. Didier Rognan(Strasbourg University)
Prof. Gisbert Schneider(ETH)
Prof. Manabu Sugimoto(Kumamoto University)
Prof. Shigetaka Tomiya(NAIST)
Prof. Alexandre Varnek(Strasbourg University)
Prof. Yoshihiro Yamanishi (Nagoya University)
Prof. Kazunari Yoshizawa(Kyushu University)
10:30~10:40 Opening Remarks 船津 公人(NAIST)
10:40~12:20 【招待講演セッション1】
[Chair: Prof. Kimito Funatsu]
・PL-1 Prof. Johann Gasteiger (Erlangen-Nuernberg University)
“My 50 Years of Chemoinformatics Research“
・PL-2 Prof. Jürgen Bajorath (Bonn University)
“Chemical Language Models for Molecular Design“
12:20~13:30 【休憩】
13:30~14:00 【企業ブース・プレゼンテーション1 】
[Chair: Prof. Manabu Sugimoto]
・E-1 OpenEye, Cadence Molecular Sciences – Gunther Stahl
“Automated Identification of Cryptic Pockets for Drug Discovery“
・E-2 シュレーディンガー株式会社 – Yuji Takaoka
“Automated Molecular Machine Learning with DeepAutoQSAR”
14:00~14:50 【招待講演セッション2】
[Chair: Prof. Alexandre Varnek]
・PL-3 Prof. Satoshi Maeda (Hokkaido University)
“Predicting a Chemical Reaction, its Products, Yields, and Mechanisms by Exploring Quantum Chemical Potential Energy Surfaces“
14:50~15:20 【休憩】
15:20~16:05 【一般口頭発表】
[Chair: Prof. Kenji Hori]
・O-1 Pavel Sidorov (Hokkaido University)
“Predicting Highly Enantioselective Catalysts Using Tunable Fragment Descriptors“
・O-2 Yosuke Harashima (NAIST)
“Data assimilation method for materials exploration based on Bayesian optimization“
・O-3 Swarit Jasial (NAIST)
“Prediction of Monomer Concentrations in Copolymerization Reactions from Infrared (IR) Spectra“
16:05~17:45 【招待講演セッション3】
[Chair: Prof. Manabu Sugimoto]
・PL-4 Prof. Kenji Hori (TS Technology)
“Data-Driven Chemistry for Developing Organic Synthesis Routes for Functional Chemicals“
・PL-5 Prof. Alexandre Varnek (Strasbourg University)
“Condensed Graph of Reaction – a Swiss-army knife for chemical reactions mining“
9:30~11:10 【招待講演セッション4】
[Chair: Prof. Thierry Langer]
・PL-6 Prof. Didier Rognan (Strasbourg University)
“Protein structure-based organic chemistry-driven ligand design from billion-size chemical spaces“
・PL-7 Prof. Yoshihiro Yamanishi (Nagoya University)
“Data-driven drug discovery and healthcare by machine learning“
11:10~11:40 【企業ブース・プレゼンテーション2]
[Chair: Prof. Kenji Hori]
・E-3 株式会社モルシス – Yoshirou Kimura
“MOE Overview“
・E-4 株式会社アフィニティサイエンス – Tomohiko Tasaka
“Introduction of software tools for de novo molecular design and structure-based methods”
11:40~13:00 【休憩】
13:00~13:50 【招待講演セッション5】
[Chair: Prof. Jürgen Bajorath]
・PL-8 Prof. Gisbert Schneider (ETH Zurich)
“De Novo Molecular Design with Machine Intelligence“
13:50~14:20 【一般口頭発表】
[Chair: Prof. Sharon Bryant]
・O-4 Yuki Matsukiyo (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
“Gene expression data-driven scaffold-constrained molecular structure generation by deep neural network“
・O-5 Kazufumi Ohkawa (Asahi Kasei Pharma)
“Development of fingerprints considering chemical reactions“
14:20~16:05 【ポスターセッション(ショートプレゼン付き)】
[Chair: Manabu Sugimoto]
16:10~16:40 【企業ブース・プレゼンテーション3】
[Chair: Prof. Shigetaka Tomiya]
・E-5 株式会社ワールドフュージョン – Atsushi Midorikawa
“Challenges in Tracking Life Science Literature and the New Solution ‘PubMedify‘”
・E-6 株式会社Elix – Casey Galvin
“Molecular Generation of Non-covalent KRAS Inhibitor Candidates Using Machine Learning”
16:40~17:30 【招待講演セッション6】
[Chair: Prof. Gisbert Schneider]
・PL-9 Dr. Sharon Bryant (Inte:Ligand)
“Advanced 3D-Pharmacophores for Bioactive Molecule Discovery and De-Risking Neurotoxicity“
18:00~ 懇親会:国立博物館地下レストラン「葉風泰夢」
9:30~11:10 【招待講演セッション7】
[Chair: Prof. Kenji Hori]
・PL-10 Prof. Shigetaka Tomiya (NAIST)
“Metrology informatics on semiconductor materials“
・PL-11 Prof. Thierry Langer (Vienna University)
“Towards Next Generation Pharmacophore Modeling: Concepts and Applications“
11:10~11:40 【企業ブース・プレゼンテーション4】
[Chair: Prof. Kazunari Yoshizawa]
・E-7 株式会社エス・ティ・ジャパン – Ryosuke Sasaki
“Usefulness of Mixture Analysis with Spectra Genius Mixture Master“
・E-8 Iktos – Hideyoshi Fuji
“Iktos Generative AI Technology to Accelerate Drug Design and Discovery“
11:40~13:00 【休憩】
13:00~14:40 【招待講演セッション8】
[Chair: Prof. Yoshihiro Yamanishi]
・PL-12 Prof. Kazunari Yoshizawa (Kyushu University)
“Catalyst Informatics Study for the Selective Functionalization of Methane“
・PL-13 Prof. Manabu Sugimoto (Kumamoto University)
“Electronic-Structure Informatics: Concepts, Extended Methods, and Recent Applications“
14:40 Closing remarks 船津 公人(NAIST)
P-1 Naoki Matsui (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
”Universal Compositional Descriptors for Ionic Conductivity in Solid Electrolytes“
P-2 Philippe Gantzer (Hokkaido University)
”Representation of Reaction Networks by Generative Topographic Mapping“
P-3 Shunsuke Tanahashi (NAIST)
”Improvement of Product Prediction in Polymer Flow Synthesis with Computational Fluid Dynamics“
P-4 Shuya Masuda (NAIST)
”Exploring P-type oxide semiconductor photocatalysts using machine learning potentials“
P-5 Mamoru Nishijo (NAIST)
”Designing new materials by closed loop consisting of GAN and first-principles calculation“
P-6 Daimon Sakaguchi (YOKOHAMA National University)
”Explanation and prediction of nucleophilic reaction’s facial selectivity of cyclic ketones by calculating steric and orbital factor.“
P-7 Yuuto Matsumoto (YOKOHAMA National University)
”Embedding of compounds names from antioxidant articles is related to compound’s features“
P-8 A. Nakao (CrowdChem)
”Multi-property prediction model based on patents and PoLyInfo database“
P-9 Yusuke Aikawa (Kumamoto University)
”Detouring costly quantum-chemistry calculations: Machine-learning prediction of electronic-sturcture-informatics (ESI) descriptors“
P-10 Shogo Takasuka (NAIST)
”Process optimization by multi-objective Bayesian Optimization of copolymers radical polymerized in a flow synthesizer.“
P-11 Toshiki Naka (NAIST)
”Data assimilation of perovskite-type metal oxides’ band gaps obtained by first-principles calculations and experiments“
P-12 Y. Shimo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
”Comprehensive exploring for cathode materials of fluoride ion batteries“
P-13 Ruben STAUB (Hokkaido University)
”Accelerating Artificial Force Induced Reaction path search with Neural Network Potentials“
P-14 GIMADIEV Timur (Hokkaido University)
”Graph Neural Networks based Active Learning for Guided Exploration of High-yield Reactions“
P-15 Yamato Mizushima (NAIST)
”Development of Base Metal Alloy Catalysts by Cyber-physical Loop Using Electronic Laboratory Notebook“
P-16 Rezi Riadhi (NAIST)
”Utilization of Hybrid Fragmentation Fingerprint in SARMs Dataset“
P-17 Dmitrii Zankov (Hokkaido University)
”Graph-based Self-Learning Retrosynthesis Planner“
P-18 Akinori Sato (NAIST)
”Prediction of reaction yield for high throughput experimental data sets by deep learning“
P-19 Kosuke Tanie (NAIST)
”Construction of cyber physical loop including dynamic Monte Carlo simulation and Application to SrTiO3 photocatalyst performance“
P-20 Tomoki Imoto (NAIST)
”Construction of machine learning model predicting Bader charges and application of the model to exploration of CO2 reduction electrocatalyst“
P-21 Ryuto Baba (NAIST)
”Screening of Sulfide Photocatalyst Materials by Machine Learning“
P-22 Shunsuke Nakatani (Keio University)
”Database of metal-phosphine complexes and its application to the prediction of the catalytic abilities using machine learning“
P-23 S. Nakata (Kobe University)
”Efficient exploration of the chemical space through the composition of property-specific SMILES language models“
P-24 Y. Tateishi (Kumamoto University)
”Electronic-Structure Informatics for Natural Product Drug Discovery: Discovery of α-glucosidase Inhibitors“
P-25 Kazuma Kaitoh (Nagoya University)
”Chemical Space Visualization Toward Data-Driven DNA-Encoded Library Design“
P-26 Mio Yokoyama (Kumamoto University)
”Predicting Ligand-Receptor Interaction Energies by Electronic-Structure Informatics“
P-27 Koki Saiga (Kumamoto University)
”Design and Optimizaiton of Degital-Twins of Perovskite Solar Cells“
P-28 Yuki Uchida (Kumamoto University)
”The Electronic-Structure Informatics Web Platform for Discovery of Functional Molecules“
P-29 Y. Tsutsumi (Kumamoto University)
”Locally-Described Electronic-Structure Informatics: An Application to Predict Regioselectivity of Glutathione Adducts to Quinone Derivatives“
P-30 Kariya Kosuke (Keio University)
”Prediction of Excitation States of Cerium Complexes via Machine Learning“
P-31 C. Motono (AIST)
”A search method for novel protein functional site based on the spatial distribution of disease-associated missense variants“
P-32 Riho Somaki (Keio University)
”Development of molecular structure search method with Bayesian optimization”
P-33 Andrew Jonathan Brahms Simangunsong (UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA)
”AI-Driven Virtual Screening and Molecular Docking for Identifying Potential SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitors from Indonesian Marine and Herbal Resources“
P-34 Yuta Aoki (Schrödinger, K.K.)
”Scaling law for machine learning of chemically functionalized metal organic frameworks“