
DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義


DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義

Data Science Special Lecture-4(2023)

Date & Time: Tuesday, 7 November 15:10-16:40
Place: E207, E208(MS) and Online(webex)
Language: Japanese

Lecturer: Takenobu Nakamura (Senior Researcher, Materials Informatics Team, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

Title: Description of Material based by Topological Data Analysis

Topological data analysis (TDA) is a new technique that emerged in applied mathematics in the 21st century.
Recently, TDA has been widely applied to material systems.
We will first introduce persistent homology (PH), which is a representative example of TDA.
After that, we will introduce two examples to apply PH to material systems: the problem of the definition of threading in ring polymers and the description of chemical reaction route maps.