
DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義


DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義

Data Science Special Lecture-8(2021)

Date & Time: Wednesday, 19 January 11:00-12:30
Place: Rethink Materials Science Seminar Hall or Webex
Language: English

Lecturer: Associate Prof. Wataru MIZUKAMI (Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology, Osaka University)

Title: Quantum computing and materials simulations: current status and challenges

It was in 2005 that an algorithm of using a quantum computer to simulate a material was first proposed. At that time, there was no prospect of a full-scale quantum computer; quantum computing was more the stuff of science fiction. Now, more than 15 years later, the development of quantum computers has progressed significantly. It has already been shown that they can outperform today’s most powerful “classical” supercomputers such as Summit and Fugaku for a special task. In this talk, I will present quantum computer’s potential in computational material science and the challenges for their practical application.