
DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義


DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義

Data Science Special Lecture-2 (2024)

Date & Time: Friday 18 October 15:10-16:40
Place: Rethink Materials Science Seminar Hall (MS)
Language: English

Lecturer: Masanori Kodera (Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology  (AIST))

Title: Digital transformation in the development of photocatalysts and electrocatalysts

Digital transformation (DX) in research and development (R&D) is highly required to revolutionize the entire R&D process using digital technologies, enabling significant reduction in R&D time and rapid implementation of new technologies into society. In our team, we have developed a robot that automatically prepares and characterizes electrocatalysts. In this lecture, I will introduce examples of high-throughput experimental robots combined with machine learning for rapid composition exploration of electrocatalysts and our recent efforts related to DX in R&D.