



DSC internal talk in August

Asst. Prof. Toshiya Kokaji gave a lecture in August.

The details are as follows.


Asst. Prof. Toshiya Kokaji (Data-driven Biology Laboratory)

Gene Regulatory Network Estimation Using Prior Knowledge and Its Applications to Neural Development

During development, the transition of differentiation state in response to extracellular signals is mediated by gene regulatory networks (GRNs). We developed a GRN estimation method by integrating prior knowledge into LASSO regression. We applied this method to transcriptome data of chickens during neural tube differentiation and found that the introduction of prior knowledge improved GRN estimation performance. Furthermore, experiments based on this estimation led to the discovery of a novel regulator of PAX6, an early regulator of neural differentiation. Currently, we are developing a method for GRN estimation with additional epigenomic information and applying it to single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data during development. This is expected to help elucidate the mechanism of cell differentiation.