
DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義


DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義

Data Science Special Lecture-5 (2022)

Date & Time: Monday, 14 November 15:10-16:40
Place: AI,Inc. Seminar Hall[L1] (IS) and Online(webex)
Language: English

Lecturer: Prof. Mariko Okada (Laboratory of Cell Systems Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University)

Title: Cellular network analysis by experimental and computational science

The cell is the smallest unit of life. However, the overall picture of how many genes interact and determine the fate of cells is unknown. We are trying to clarify the mechanism of cell fate regulation using two main approaches. One is to clarify the  cellular response to the environment by mathematical modeling of signal transduction networks, and the other is to quantitatively predict the relationship between signals and gene expression by comprehensive analysis of omics data. By using these approaches, it is possible to clarify the mechanism by which various gene expressions occur from the same signal transduction system, and that such diversity is involved in cancer, immune response and drug sensitivity.