
DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義


DSC Talkデータサイエンス特別講義

Data Science Special Lecture-6(2022)

Date & Time: Tuesday, 15 November 15:10-16:40
Place: Online(webex)
Language: Japanese

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Takahiro TAKAHASHI (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shizuoka University)

Title: Automatic modeling of the reaction mechanisms of chemical vapor deposition processes

To increase the speed of R&D and decrease the labor requirements in the field of semiconductor device fabrication, we proposed an automatic modeling system of the reaction mechanisms for chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes. The system determined appropriate reaction models by analyzing the experimental data of CVD automatically. The identification of the reaction models, which indicates the reaction paths from source gases to films through gas-phase and surface reactions, is one of the most important facets for developing CVD processes. In addition, we developed an automatic system to design the experiments for the identification of the reaction models.